Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lee Miller at SFMOMA

Once again, here I am, plugging away for SFMOMA. What can I say? It's my favorite museum in San Francisco and their exhibits are put together with style and class. Not to mention they always seem to snatch up exhibits by some of my favorite artists.

For these reasons, this post is to persuade you to visit SFMOMA some time in the next mont and check out their latest photo exhibit, which has come straight from the Victoria & Albert museum in London. Fancy stuff, I tell you.

This exhibit has but a couple more weeks left but there is still time to catch the photography of one of the most important photographers of the 20th century, not to mention a woman photographer. In a world where even the business of artistic photography seems to rely on what men can produce, Lee Miller's photos are different, interesting, and a long awaited view from a woman's prospective. While many of the photos remain dark or candid, others are simple and depictive of every day life.

Most often described as a surrealist photographer, she was heavily influenced by Man Ray after meeting him. Miller doesn't forget where she came from though either: she modeled for years before being a photographer.

I loved this exhibit because it doesn't just leave out what got her to photography: it's the span of her life. It really is a personal glimpse at her and her work.

The collection is extensive and vast and definitley a must see to comprehend where photography is going and from where it has come.

Like the surreal and candid? It's for you. Just like photography in general? It's definitley for you.
The Art of Lee Miller
Click here for more info
Exhibiton runs till September 14th, 2008
More than 150 photos

I thought I would also take this moment to announce my moving to Vermont. Tonight, I am boarding a plane to head over there. While I will still be back in San Francisco for a good amount of the year, most of my blogging will be from over there and thus mostly reviewing of CDs or bands. Still, you can all count on Blaine and Anna to fill up all the happenings of the Bay, as both are still in residence here.

I will miss SF, but I will be back. Thank you for all the support so far!

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